Dead Man on Campus (1998) – Review

Where to watch Dead Man on Campus

1 1/2 Stars

The would-be black comedy Dead Man on Campus is D.O.A.. This is a laugh less and infantile attempt to incorporate the dark humor of an indie film with the cliches of countless wannabe Animal House clones. The film is severely miscast with actors way too old to be playing college freshmen. Dead Man on Campus is the second unsuccessful attempt to wring laughs and money from audiences by the folks at MTV films.

College freshmen Josh (Tom Everett Scott) and Cooper (Mark-Paul Gosselaar) are more interested in hitting the bottle than in hitting the books — and their poor grades are set to get them kicked out of school. Their only hope of passing is to find a roommate who will kill himself. Thats due to a little known by-law in the university’s charter that states that those boarding with a student who dies get automatic passes for the semester.

This plot sparks a series of trials in which Josh and Cooper try-out possible suicidal candidates to move into their vacant dorm room. The only person who sticks out and briefly livens up the movie is Lochlyn Munro as a hyper-aggressive, sexually charged, dare-devil frat boy. The writers should have just scrapped the whole script and focused on giving that character his own film.

Director: Alan Cohn
Stars: Tom Everett Scott, Mark-Paul Gosselaar, Jason Segel

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