Where to watch Alice In Wonderland
2 1/2 Stars
Alice In Wonderland, isn’t nearly the train-wrek that was Willy Wonka, luckily The film gets a shot of energy every time Johnny Depp appears, but unfortunately his mad hatter is too creepy and off putting to really care about. All leading up to an extended battle sequence in the climax that is mishandled. This ranks on the middle rungs of the Burton/Depp cannon. It’s nowhere near the perfection of Ed Wood or Scissorhands, but it’s leagues better than Chocolate Factory.
Director: Tim Burton
Stars: Johnny Depp, Mia Wasikowska, Helena Bonham Carter, Anne Hathaway
I guess I am not the critic everyone else is. . . I went to see this movie with a friend expecting to be bored and disappointed. I was not. It was an amazing film! Not only was it attention-grabbing throughout, I found many powerful themes and quotable lines that I did not remember in the “original” Alice. Great job, Screenplay team and tim Burton! I thought Johnny Depp was lovable in a ghoulish sort of way!
There is mold all over this “Alice,” and while some of it features the brightest of greens, a lot of it is predictably grim, but not in the way that Burton fans have come to savor.