Where to watch The Blind Side

3 Stars
The Blindside offers nothing new in the story of a kid from the wrong side of the tracks given a chance by a nice rich family. But why mess with a proven storyline? This is the feel good movie of 2009. Everyone that you expect to comes out on top. The dramatic parts of the film don’t necessarily impact the warm fuzzy feeling though, which is why this is such an easy movie to watch. Sandra Bullock is excellent and really seems to embody this character. Is it an Oscar winning performance? Apparently to the Academy it is.
Tim McGraw plays the husband and adds a little humor and support. Quinton Aaron is also great as Michael Oher, the kid from the wrong side of the tracks. He is believable as a football player, but also has a soft touch. They relate him to Ferdinand the bull, but really he’s a few rungs up the ladder from Lennie (Of Mice and Men). The interesting thing about this film is the amount of screen time the football practices and games get. It’s just enough not to off put the ladies, and just enough to keep the guys attention. This makes Blindside not only a good family film, but also a nice date movie.
Director: John Lee Hancock
Stars: Sandra Bullock, Tim McGraw, Quinton Aaron
Great movie! I loved it….and I looove Sandra Bullock….
I think Jesse James should get blind sided by a freight train…