Where to watch The Box
3 1/2 Stars
The question of whether or not to push the button would be enough for most films, but it’s after answering this question that things get very interesting. There are so many nooks and crannies in this story to get lost in, and granted a lot of the meaning will change from viewer to viewer. If you look for the clues early on, you will be rewarded in the end. This movie has kept me thinking ever since my first viewing, and I continue to contemplate the ideas at its core. It’s no wonder the basis for the film, the short story “Button, Button” by Richard Matheson, had already been adapted into a Twilight Zone episode. This is Kelly at his best, in both directing and writing. A perfect blend of science fiction and suspense.
Director: Richard Kelly
Stars: James Marsden, Cameron Diaz, Frank Langella