Where to watch Bridesmaids
3 1/2 Stars
Bridesmaids follows Annie, Wiig’s character, as she struggles in her maid of honor position for her best friend’s wedding. Lillian, the bride, played by Rudolph, and the other bridesmaids are all along for Annie’s journey as she accidently gets them ill from food poisoning and causes blunder after ridiculous blunder. Being the maid of honor only complicates Annie’s life throughout the film, as she juggles roommate issues, financial woes and the gloom of a failed cake business, and boy troubles. Her problems, however, only lead to funnier and funnier situations, which will without a doubt encourage harder and harder laughter.
Wiig, in her first-lead role, steals the show. Not limited to a four-minute skit on SNL, she is allowed to fully shine and embrace her character. McCarthy plays Megan, a small-town woman so comfortably stuck in her ways, who provides the most outrageous humor of all the bridesmaids. This movie will surely do for her career what The Hangover did for Zach Galifianakis. Jon Hamm also makes an appearance as Annie’s boy on the side, who happens to be a complete tool. O’Dowd plays the charming, boyfriend-material, police-officer, who happens to meet Annie at the most hectic and inopportune time of her life.
Bridesmaids may seem like a chick-flick due to its nearly all-female cast, but it really is a movie that both girls and guys can equally enjoy. The humor is for both genders, a small amount of romance for the women, and just enough raunchiness and outrageousness for the men.
What I appreciate about Bridesmaids is its ability to get the viewer invested in and really feel for the characters. The film hits all the right emotional notes and will have audiences laughing hysterically at the humor, squirming at the raunchy parts, and cringing in the awkward moments. Despite the fairly conventional storyline, each actor and actress is given enough breathing room to explore their character and an ample opportunity to draw the audience in. It’s a great ride watching Annie’s life amusingly unfold and the entertaining effort to bring it all back together. There is an honesty in Bridesmaids that few comedies really achieve and it surely is a welcome treat.
Director: Paul Feig
Stars: Kristen Wiig, Maya Rudolph, Melissa McCarthy, Jon Hamm
About the author: August Drilling does work for Forte Promotions, which sells promotional products, and is a television and movie fanatic.