Marvel recently unveiled the new updated Captain America costume. The update takes America’s Avenger out of the WWII era and into the modern day. A little more form fitting than the original suit, the character poster gives a preview of how actor Chris Evans looks in his gear (pictured below). Rumor has it that Marvel Studios thought the original Captain America outfit was not tight enough and therefore did not give quite the superhero feel they were looking for. Although many comic book costumes have problems not looking ridiculous on the big screen, the new adaptation offers a clean stream-lined look while avoiding the horrors of spandex.
I was a huge fan of the original costume from Captain America: The First Avenger and even though this new design lacks the historical feel of the first, it does add a modern flare while at the same time staying true to the original. It seems as though a lot of thought was put into the details of the costume and one can only hope that Marvel Studios is paying just as much attention to the other aspects of the upcoming film. Be sure to check back for more Avengers (2012) updates.
don’t know that they will change it with the upcoming avenger movie.
The Suit looks better then the one in The First Avenger.