Where to watch Assassins’ Code
1 1/2 Stars
Min-su Choi is North Korean agent Karl Kim. Choi has a cool Chow Yun Fat meets Sonny Chiba vibe. I liked his charisma and would have enjoyed him in the protagonist role, instead of the impish Juilan Temple. Like most martial artists turned actors Temple is at his best when he lets his body and physical presence do most of the acting. When he is required to engage in (badly dubbed) dialogue scenes, he simply lacks the conviction and intensity needed for his tough guy role. Still a few sequences propel the film forward briskly enough that undiscriminating fans will be entertained. Others may appreciate the over-the-top performance by John Savage and a rare screen apperance from former teen idol Christopher Atkins, though most will be disappointed in the lackluster production values and lame fight scenes.
Director: Lawrence Riggins
Stars: Julian Lee, Min-su Choi, John Savage
Not sure what you mean “shot at friends houses?” Anyone who watches can see these are some of the top locations in the city. Friends don’t live in penthouses with $3M worth of asian statues and artwork. Friends don’t live in run- down warehouses. Friends don’t live in large glass buildings with circling marble and chrome staircases…at least my friends don’t live like that. Disagree with your locations statement.
This movie sucks