Where to watch TC 2000
1 1/2 Stars
International recognized Karate Champion and Tae Bo inventor Billy Blanks plays Jason Storm, a tracker cop who, along with his beautiful partner Zooey (Phillips), are searching for a criminal mastermind known as Niki Picasso (Merhi). After a narrow escape from the clutches of a vicious gang the pair return to headquarters only to become embroiled in a coverup between a sub military division known as Guards and the Trackers. This leads to one of the films many fight sequences, only here we get two outlandishly large men in Blanks and the Norwegian nightmare known as Matthias Hues throwing themselves around with reckless abandon. I kept waiting for someone to pull a hamstring.
The derivative script offers few surprises but clever casting almost make up for it. Particularly to those fans of the iconic Bolo Yeung who’s lack of understanding the english language is as evident as ever. All Yeung is required to do her is engage in some badly shot and edited fights with opponents that look as if they have trained for the role by drinking beer. However pairing up Blanks and Yeung in the latter half of the film was an inspired idea except for the laughable three-minute sequence dedicated to showcasing the stars performing Katas. I would have liked to see more of a buddy picture type film and less of a cheaper version of Cyborg Cop. Director T. J. Scott employs an overuse of blue lighting in the first half that may be intended as a homage to James Cameron yet it becomes annoying and very distracting early on. Things right themselves in the film’s final 35 minutes or so but the proceeding hour is a slow, unoriginal rehash of better films.
Director: T.J. Scott
Stars: Bolo Yeung, Jalal Merhi, Billy Blanks