Where to watch 11/11/11
2 Stars
The screenplay by director Keith Allan and Kiff Scholl may be bland, but there’s enough WTF moments here to make this an interesting watch (especially with a few friends and a few beers). The neighbors hot-boxed meetings in the van just outside the Vales house are perhaps the best unmeant hilarious moments in the film. Other things, like the Vales running over something they couldn’t identify on their way into town and then the old lady neighbor looking for her cat throughout the movie fall flat (they obviously hit the cat). This isn’t a gore fest; the deaths are few and in-between, leaving a lot to be desired. Also I’m not sure why Nathan himself had to be evil, seeing as Satan would simply be possessing his body it seemed like a lot of work for the neighbors to go through without much purpose. Nathan never seemed to be evil at his core, or really care either way, he was just an impressionable young kid. Although that line of reasoning did introduce my favorite character, the nanny Denise, who primed the body, if you will.
Aurelia Scheppers plays Denise as a vapid and horrid person easily giving the best performance of the movie. She reminds me a lot of Megan Fox (that’s not a jab, her performance really reminded me of Megan Fox). After her somewhat late appearance I found myself wishing they had introduced her right from the get-go. Denise and Nathan’s scenes were the most intriguing and should have been the anchor for all the moments when his parents became suspicious of his activities. The side story of the mother getting sick was also unnecessary and only served to remove her from the proceedings without reason. It also had the unfortunate side effect of removing any motherly emotion or connection to Nathan. Jon Briddell and Erin Coker as the Vales gave decent performances. Especially Briddell in the strange and twisty ending. Hayden Byerly was great as Nathan, creepy at times and normal at others, his uneven performance throughout the movie has more to do with the story loosing its way and not committing than anything else. The supporting cast also did a fine job.
The ending was a little shocking, more so because I simply didn’t think this film had the balls to go there, although I’m not a fan of endings that try to pull the rug out from under you. Otherwise it’s a tad on the slow side, but some friends and alcohol can elevate it to a fun time.
Director: Keith Allan
Stars: Jon Briddell, Erin Coker, Hayden Byerly, Aurelia Scheppers