Where to watch Heatseeker
3 Stars
Having grown up claiming that Cyborg and The Sword and the Sorcerer were among my favorite movies, I thought that I had seen the majority of Pyun’s work before the forgettable ‘rap star’ run. So it was with great surprise and much amusement that I settled in to watch this little gem. Headlined by Keith H. Cooke, a muscular and athletic leading man with the easy screen presence of the late- Brandon Lee, though Cooke is not nearly on Lee’s level as an actor. His physicality is put to good use against the equally intimidating Gary Daniels. To reference a couple of earlier Pyun films, Heatseeker is Blood Match infused with aspects of Nemesis. I liked those movies, but I like this one even more.
There’s a wicked sense of mischief that runs through the picture, exemplified by the smart ads for genetic manipulation from the fictional Sianon corporation. Tim Thomserson, a popular face in most of Pyun’s work, pops in here briefly and seems to be channeling a New Orleans accent while sporting Jim Carrey, Riddler-orange hair. It’s a loony portrayal from one master of b-movie cinema.
Director: Albert Pyun
Stars: Keith Cooke, Gary Daniels, Tina Cote