Where to watch 30 Nights of Paranormal Activity with the Devil Inside the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
1 Star
30 Nights is one of the worst spoof movies to be produced in the last decade. There’s a lot of jokes in here, but aside from a few none are even giggle inducing. Most of the time I found myself smiling nervously at others in the audience and saying “is this still going on?” or “what were they thinking?”. Let me say that this is a fairly short movie at just one hour and twenty minutes, but it’s so unbearably boring that it feels closer to three hours in length.
The film is rated R, and there are a few moments where it earns it. If there was enough footage to cut this questionable material out, I’d say they should do it. 30 Nights operates on the comedic level of a twelve to thirteen year old and would probably do better to open up to that audience, regardless that the movies being spoofed are aimed at an older audience. The other issue here is the working in of spoofs that don’t belong or feel like they’re thrown in at the last minute. The Lincoln stuff, the commercial spoofs and even the opening and closing storage unit stuff. The ghost hunting brothers sequences are mainly them running and screaming for several minutes. It could be funny – it’s almost there – but it’s not.
Poorly executed gags along with a script chock full of unoriginal pokes at movies from a genre that has been better spoofed before make 30 Nights of Paranormal Activity with the Devil Inside the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo as clever and funny as its title.
Director: Craig Moss
Stars: Kathryn Fiore, Flip Schultz, Olivia Alexander