Where to watch Absolute Deception
3 Stars
The Australians have a long rich history in genre filmmaking dating back at least 50 years. One of the shinning talents since the 1970’s has been director Brian Trenchard-Smith, a favorite of esteemed writer/director Quentin Tarantino and cult audiences alike. Trenchard-Smith was the guiding hand behind two of my favorite Oz-imports, the subversive and sublime, Dead-End Drive In and The Siege of Firebase Gloria. Unfortunately, his latest isn’t on the level of those admirable flicks, but its an entertaining little thriller that’s a notch above some of Gooding Jr.’s recent outings.
Absolute Deception is not the typical fare from Gooding Jr., it features a few action set-pieces but is essentially a drama with a shoot-out here and a car chase there. That’s ok, because to be truthful, I’ve had my fill of the one-time Oscar winner running around wielding a gun in foreign countries. It’s evident he can still handle gigs that require more ‘acting’, even though its seems that muscle hasn’t been flexed in quite some time. I would encourage a return to lite comedy or even a supporting role in something prestigious. I like the guy so much, that its somewhat depressing to watch him play second lead in a (new age) Ozplotaion flick, though he pulls it out in typically solid fashion.
Director: Brian Trenchard-Smith
Stars: Cuba Gooding Jr., Emmanuelle Vaugier, Evert McQueen
this movie was soooooooooooooo bad. the graphics for the boat blowing up was so horrible. what a waste of Cuba’s talent.
Yeah. Mr. Gooding is better than that.
This movie is SOOOO bad that’s funny in a terrible way.
:evil: :shock: stupid movie. I hated it. hope the Chinese hate it and you make no money at all.
I feel sorry for Mr. Gooding. This is a strictly a paint-by-number flick with a transparant plot and not one beat being missed. All the “usual suspects” in plot beats are there. For all that, the chemistry between Mr. Gooding and Ms Vaugier was good as were some of the lines. I especially liked the interchange between her and her boss in NYC.
Boss: “You’re fired!”
Ms Vaugier: I quit!””
Boss: “Get back to work!”