Where to watch The Substitute 3: Winner Takes All
2 Stars
A steroid scandal is leading to foul play on the campus of Eastern Atlantic University. If the starting line-up doesn’t pass their english course, than the school’s first winning football season will be in jeopardy. One instructor refuses to succumb to the pressures of the athletic department and is brutally attacked. Karl once again goes undercover to expose the corruption and bring the attackers to justice. Thomasson and his small band of soldiers discover that the football squad are entrenched in a dangerous game of drugs and extortion along with a local mob kingpin.
The Substitute 3: Winner Takes All shows signs that the formula is weakening. The first two pictures had plenty of scenes in the classroom and a couple of nifty set-ups and pay-offs. This film has been streamlined and stripped to its base elements. The whole movie plays out in a perfunctory manner, even the relationship between Thomasson and the injured female professor is derivative of the first film. Its time to stop the series when writers start to ape their own creative output. The Substitute 3 isn’t awful, just routine.
Director: Robert Radler
Stars: Treat Wiliiams, Clauida Christian, James Black
I love all the Substitute movies. I confuse parts of the first and second sequels, but I worked a play once with the comrade our hero has to kill to end his suffering and then uses his dental work to pick the lock on their cell! Wish they were still making these flicks.