The Executioner: Part II (1984) – Review

Where to watch The Executioner: Part II

0 Stars

An L.A. cop and a reporter team up to find a masked serial killer.

The Executioner: Part II is a sequel to a movie that doesn’t exist. Thus, Part II, in actuality, is Part I. That major oversight and sloppy titling should serve as a warning to unsuspecting viewers that the film is a Grade-Z pile of wasted film stock. The Executioner: Part II is another Death Wish ripoff and, like most of the others, is virtually unwatchable. The 1980s was a time in which independently produced exploitation films could still manage to obtain a nationwide theatrical release; this includes drecks like The Executioner: Part II.

Imagine paying good money and slogging through the summer heat to attend a matinée screening. And the result of your time and effort is to view this uninspired and amateurish film. Experiences like the one previously mentioned can turn a moviegoer off for months. So in summation, The Exectuioner: Part II is not only lacking in any recommendable qualities; it is also dangerous to the industry. Kudos to anyone who makes it through the running time without becoming enraged and forever losing 90 minutes to this movie. 

Directed by: James Bryan
Written by: Renee Harmon
Starring: Christopher Mitchum, Aldo Ray, Antoine John Mottet

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