Where to watch Superboy (1988)
Lana’s father, an archeologist, comes to the university with what he thinks is a cursed relic. Lex Luthor then steals the jewel in order to sell it to the highest bidder.
Original Air Date: 10/8/1988 – “The Jewel of Techacal”
The first episode of “The Adventures of Superboy” is a rough start for the series. Interestingly, it wasn’t intended to be the pilot episode; episode #5 was actually the first one produced, which might explain why “The Jewel of Techacal” feels disjointed. There is no origin story or backstory for Superboy, nor do we learn about Clark choosing a college, his first meeting with Lana Lang, or T.J. White. While I appreciate brevity in storytelling, a bit of exposition would have been beneficial. Instead, writer Fred Freiberger has crafted an episode filled with melodrama: Do we really care if Lana and her estranged father can reconcile? No, we have just met these characters, and their relationships hold no meaning for us yet.
Superboy appears in the opening teaser prior to the credits and again during the climax. Lex Luthor, played somewhat awkwardly by Scott Wells, along with his sidekick, are the most compelling characters in this pilot episode. The episode features typical genre tropes, such as mythical mumbo-jumbo about a cursed artifact removed from its homeland. While I don’t fault “Superboy” Season 1, Episode 1 for utilizing these conventions, I do feel that it suffers from a lack of engaging writing and visuals.
Directed by: Reza Badiyi
Written by: Fred Freiberger
Starring: Stacy Haiduk, Gerard Christopher, Peter Jay Fernandez