Sea of Love (1989) – Review

Where to watch Sea of Love

3 1/2 Stars

Frank Keller is a New York detective investigating a case of a serial killer who finds the victims through the lonely hearts column in newspapers. Keller falls in love with Helen, the main suspect in the case.

I remember my parents bringing home a copy of Sea of Love from the local video store. My dad was a fan of Al Pacino, and since he had already introduced me to several of the actor’s films, he allowed me to watch this one. Looking back, I find it remarkable that he wasn’t fazed by his 10-year-old son watching the racy sex scenes and murders on screen, and I appreciate him for that. Sea of Love left a lasting impression on me for those reasons, and revisiting it as an adult, I enjoyed it even more. It features one of Pacino’s underrated performances, and I believe it ranks among the best movies of his career.

What elevates Sea of Love is the seductive appeal of Ellen Barkin and the scene-stealing performance by John Goodman, who deserves to play the sidekick in every police procedural. Both actors are captivating and make the most of their limited screen time. Director Harold Becker, working from a strong script by Richard Price, stages the film well, allowing his actors to showcase their more complex qualities. Sea of Love is a sexy crime thriller with excellent production values, top-tier acting, and solid writing—a film that should not be missed.

Directed by: Harold Becker
Written by: Richard Price
Starring: Al Pacino, Ellen Barkin, John Goodman

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