Tooth Fairy 2 (2012) – Review

Where to watch Tooth Fairy 2

1 1/2 Stars

Tooth Fairy 2 comes with a PG rating because of “some mild rude humor”, that is to say if you can find any humor at all. This is not a terrible picture, just a lazy one. The original starred Dwayne Johnson, in a script once commissioned for a potential Arnold Schwarzenegger vehicle. Tooth Fairy 2 stars Larry the Cable Guy, and let me tell you friends, this is not an equal trade-off. Who would have thought that a wrestler turned actor could be funnier than a stand-up comedian? Perhaps I am being too harsh. Johnson had a far better screenplay to work with, Larry is stuck with a cut-rate story that would have seemed trite in a Jim Varney Ernest picture.

Larry is Larry Guthrie a lovable, selfish lug with little concern for Brooke, his long suffering girlfriend. After a brief moment of fame goes to his head, Brooke leaves Larry. In an effort to win back her affection; Larry volunteers his time at the children’s center Brooke runs. After Larry accidentally tells a kid that the tooth fairy isn’t real, he is sentenced to become a pink tutu wearing fairy himself. Given a satchel of amnesia dust and other potions, Larry must collect ten teeth to restore his life back to normal. Meanwhile he must also break-up the wedding plans between Brooke and the town’s hotshot.

Tooth Fairy 2 is the type of film that portrays adults as buffoons, and children as their intellectual superiors. Most of the (intended) humor here is of the physical variety, and young kids should find it amusing. None of the characters are mean, just mildly rude. Makes the first film look like a masterwork. Best for very young audiences, as parents will find very little of interest.

Director: Alex Zamm
Stars: Larry the Cable Guy, David Mackey, Erin Beute

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