The Premiere Box Office Prediction Game Site.

A new box office gaming site from Movie Mavericks. Predict opening weekend numbers to become the Box Office Ace!
Every week we’ll be placing our predictions for opening box office weekends for the biggest films in release this year, 2013, here on this page. Follow along with us and leave a comment with your expectations and predictions for the weekend. We get the bar value from the Hollywood Stock Exchange derivatives. All numbers are in millions and rounded to the nearest hundred thousand. We are carrying a running total of how far off we are by weekend, the person with the smallest number wins. We are doing three day weekends only, no four or five day holiday weekends allowed. There can be only one box office prediction maverick, who will it be?
You can use the pagination at the bottom to skip to a past month.
21 and Over
HSX Bar: $15
Trevor: $20
Jason: $17
Actual: $8.8
Jack the Giant Slayer
HSX Bar: $25
Trevor: $26
Jason: $21
Actual: $27.2
The Last Exorcism 2
HSX Bar: $10
Trevor: $14
Jason: $9
Actual: $7.7
HSX Bar: $5
Trevor: $2
Jason: $3
Actual: $0.5
Trevor: $20.2
Jason: $18.2
Game Totals
Trevor: $132.6
Jason: $144.7
Weekend #10 Mar 8-10, 2013
Dead Man Down
HSX Bar: $10
Trevor: $5
Jason: $7
Actual: $5.3
Oz The Great and Powerful
HSX Bar: $70
Trevor: $70
Jason: $64
Actual: $79.1
Trevor: $9.4
Jason: $16.8
Game Totals
Trevor: $142
Jason: $161.5
Weekend #11 Mar 15-17, 2013
The Call
HSX Bar: $10
Trevor: $7
Jason: $9
Actual: $17.1
The Incredible Burt Wonderstone
HSX Bar: $20
Trevor: $24
Jason: $18
Actual: $10.2
Trevor: $23.9
Jason: $15.9
Game Totals
Trevor: $165.9
Jason: $177.4
Weekend #12 Mar 22-24, 2013
HSX Bar: $10
Trevor: $12
Jason: $7
Actual: $6.2
The Croods
HSX Bar: $40
Trevor: $45
Jason: $37
Actual: $43.6
Olympus Has Fallen
HSX Bar: $20
Trevor: $22
Jason: $23
Actual: $30.4
Spring Breakers
HSX Bar: $3
Trevor: $2.7
Jason: $3.7
Actual: $4.9
Trevor: $15.9
Jason: $15.5
Game Totals
Trevor: $181.8
Jason: $192.9
Weekend #13 Mar 29-31, 2013
G.I. Joe Retaliation
HSX Bar: $50
Trevor: $48
Jason: $42
Actual: $40.5
The Host
HSX Bar: $20
Trevor: $18
Jason: $19
Actual: $10.6
Tyler Perry’s Temptation
HSX Bar: $15
Trevor: $16
Jason: $21
Actual: $21.6
Trevor: $20.5
Jason: $10.5
Game Totals
Trevor: $202.3
Jason: $203.4
Hi guys!
Well, I’m hopeful and at the same time scared of the potential turnouts for this weekend’s two releases.
I’m hopeful that 42 will be quite good and that audiences will turn out for the incredibly inspiring story. Having said that, I think there’s only so much of an audience and for that reason wouldn’t be surprised if the film opened in the mid-teens. For now though, I’m riding with my hope and favorite number, twenty-three. $23M
As for my fear…I’m fearful that the general population will turn out in big numbers to see Scary Movie 5. The terrible looking film needs to perform badly, just so we can (I pray) see the end of this long stale franchise. Sadly, I think too many fools…I mean people are drawn to spoofs such as these. $18M and if it’s finishes at over $20M all my faith in humanity will be gone.
Hello gentlemen!
It was nice to see the box office perform pretty well last weekend, even if the movies weren’t all that good (you’ll see my thoughts on G.I. Joe: Retaliation on Jason’s review. I’ve got higher hopes in the term of quality for this weekend’s films….
Having already seen Jurassic Park 3D I can vouch for how impressive it looked and how great it sounded. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, I want to see films like this and other classics re-released. I’ve already seen Raiders of the Lost Ark in IMAX, Top Gun in IMAX 3D and now this…I want more!! As much as I liked seeing Jurassic Park, I think the audience is limited to die hard fans and those that want to take their kids to see it (much like me). I’d like to see the movie pull in $20M, but I think it falls short. $17M
Although a reboot, I think Evil Dead is a highly anticipated film. I think this is going to fall right in line with the more successful of the recent horror films. I can’t say that I think the movie looks really good, but I do think it looks good enough that I want to see it and I expect the film to win the weekend. $25M
I’m still confused as to why Fox scratched ID-4 3d re-release from the July 4th weekend this year? Perhaps because Roland Emmerich has White House Down scheduled for release the same weekend. Regardless I think it’s a huge missed opportunity for fans, in fact I’d be more keen to see ID-4 3D than WHD, just saying.
Jason, it’s so disappointing as well as a blown opportunity. Olympus Has Fallen was so good, it’s taken away most of my interest in seeing White House Down. Although, to be fair, the trailers haven’t helped increase my interest at all.
Hi guys!
It was nice to see people come out to the movies again!
I think there’ll be move of the same this coming weekend, with a few holdover staying solid with minor drops (45% or less) and with two and potentially all three of this weekend’s moving performing favorably.
I think G.I. Joe: Retaliation will be a solid hit. If the movie had opened on Friday, I think it would have easily surpassed a $50M opening, but I think with its Wednesday release it comes close (and wouldn’t be surprised if it did in fact pass it) but falls short. $46M
Tyler Perry is such an interesting individual. If history is any suggestion tells us anything its that attaching his name to one of his films immediately draws a crowd. By adding Kim Kardashian to the film, I think the turnout could be even greater. I expect an impressive turnout. $25M
The movie I’ve most leery about doing well is The Host I’ll admit that the trailers haven’t been terrible, but I just don’t foresee an audience for these movies anymore. I think the Twilight crowd has moved on, and hopefully come to the realization that those films were garbage. Having said that, every time I put my faith in the general public so it’s that reason that I’m not going as low as I’d like, but still tempering my expectations. $16M
I think with the tournament starting, not to be sexist, but women will probably take their kids to The Croods so that will probably do well. Admission will tank and Olympus will do okay.
The Croods – $42 million
Admission – $7 million
Olympus Has Fallen – $16 million
Hey guys, loving the site!
The Croods: I think this will do very well this weekend. It seems great, and it’s just the second animated feature of the year and just the third family-oriented film, so family audiences will be much happier. If any dinosaur lovers can’t wait for the 3D release of Jurassic Park, either, I think they’ll want to see this. My prediction for it is $45 million.
Olympus Has Fallen: We haven’t really received a good terrorist action flick since, what, Live Free or Die Hard back in 2007? The cast is also impressive and the marketing campaign was great, the plot is also cool looking, and with Training Day director Antoine Fuqua at the helm, it will attract a good-sized audience. My prediction is $23.5 million.
Admission: Okay, it looks romantic but not nearly funny enough. I’ll see it because my mom wants to. Tina Fey could get attract a good-sized audience, but it looks really rather forgettable… I don’t think it will bomb heavily because the bar is only set at $10 million, but my prediction is $8.5.
Spring Breakers: I’m pretty excited for this one because of the girls, of course, and the plot seems interesting and I’d like to see what Franco does in his role. Kormine also seems like he’ll bring a unique, art-house style for mainstream audiences to check out. Since it made a stellar $263, 002 at just three theaters, I think this could impress at 1104 theaters, so I’m placing my prediction at $6.5 million.
Hi guys!
A lot of options coming our way this weekend. I saw The Croods and Olympus Has Fallen, and I’ve got to say that I was impressed with both. I’m planning to see Spring Breakers this weekend (and not JUST because I’m a pervert), and seriously on the fence about Admission.
Let’s start with The Croods. There have been screenings for this in my area for three weeks now, and the buzz coming from the movie has been all positive. DreamWorks has another hit on its hands. $45M
Olympus Has Fallen is a kick-ass action film. The film has been marketed very well and should appeal to both men and women; but mostly men, of course. I expect this to be a word of mouth hit, and to have a really good weekend. $25M
Spring Breakers is a guilty pleasure movie that I’ve been anxious to see. Part of me thinks it’s going to be a movie that’s so bad its good, and part of me thinks it’s going to be entertaining as hell. All of me thinks very little turn out to see it in theaters. $2.1M
Admission reminds me of the typical romantic-comedy. Unfortunately, the trailers have shown me too much romance and not enough comedy. Tina Fey’s a big enough name to draw a little bit of an audience, but Paul Rudd is just a guy anymore. Since The Incredible Burt Wonderstone did so bad, the trend would be that this does bad too. I’m just not sure how bad it’s going to do. $8M
Okay, I’ve had a change of heart….for some reason, I think Spring Breakers is going to be a draw. I’m upping to $5.5M
Yikes, this weeks numbers seem to have surprised everyone! Doesn’t say much for Burt Wonderstone to get squashed by The Call!
Hi guys!!
So we got our first blockbuster of the year last weekend, and this weekend we have what I think is a potential blockbuster. The Incredible Burt Wonderstone could follow the lead of recent comedies and blow up, or it could disappoint like practically every other release this year. Personally I think the film looks like crap and reminds of Blades of Glory, but even that opened up with over $33M. I don’t think this is going to go that high, but I won’t be surprised if it does. $25M
Speaking of movies that look like crap. I don’t understand that fascination with Halle Berry. I’m pretty sure her last good role was in Monster’s Ball and I can’t even say that I thought she was really all that good in that. She was AWFUL in Dark Tide and to be rates no higher than someone who puts out a lot of direct-to-video releases. There have been far better looking films to come out recently that have bombed at the box office, and I expect this to follow suit. $6M
Dead Man Down and Oz are must see’s for me. I however go to the theatre so rarely that I wont see them until they hit video. Sad to see that Jack the Giant Slayer even did as much as it did. Even more depressing that I contributed to that number :???:
Hi guys!
Gonna be a short one tonight….been a busy and overwhelming week.
Oz the Great and Powerful – I think a lot of people want to see this movie.$86M
Dead Man Down – I think a lot of people don’t have the faintest idea what this movie is. $5M