The Premiere Box Office Prediction Game Site.

A new box office gaming site from Movie Mavericks. Predict opening weekend numbers to become the Box Office Ace!
Every week we’ll be placing our predictions for opening box office weekends for the biggest films in release this year, 2013, here on this page. Follow along with us and leave a comment with your expectations and predictions for the weekend. We get the bar value from the Hollywood Stock Exchange derivatives. All numbers are in millions and rounded to the nearest hundred thousand. We are carrying a running total of how far off we are by weekend, the person with the smallest number wins. We are doing three day weekends only, no four or five day holiday weekends allowed. There can be only one box office prediction maverick, who will it be?
You can use the pagination at the bottom to skip to a past month.
21 and Over
HSX Bar: $15
Trevor: $20
Jason: $17
Actual: $8.8
Jack the Giant Slayer
HSX Bar: $25
Trevor: $26
Jason: $21
Actual: $27.2
The Last Exorcism 2
HSX Bar: $10
Trevor: $14
Jason: $9
Actual: $7.7
HSX Bar: $5
Trevor: $2
Jason: $3
Actual: $0.5
Trevor: $20.2
Jason: $18.2
Game Totals
Trevor: $132.6
Jason: $144.7
Weekend #10 Mar 8-10, 2013
Dead Man Down
HSX Bar: $10
Trevor: $5
Jason: $7
Actual: $5.3
Oz The Great and Powerful
HSX Bar: $70
Trevor: $70
Jason: $64
Actual: $79.1
Trevor: $9.4
Jason: $16.8
Game Totals
Trevor: $142
Jason: $161.5
Weekend #11 Mar 15-17, 2013
The Call
HSX Bar: $10
Trevor: $7
Jason: $9
Actual: $17.1
The Incredible Burt Wonderstone
HSX Bar: $20
Trevor: $24
Jason: $18
Actual: $10.2
Trevor: $23.9
Jason: $15.9
Game Totals
Trevor: $165.9
Jason: $177.4
Weekend #12 Mar 22-24, 2013
HSX Bar: $10
Trevor: $12
Jason: $7
Actual: $6.2
The Croods
HSX Bar: $40
Trevor: $45
Jason: $37
Actual: $43.6
Olympus Has Fallen
HSX Bar: $20
Trevor: $22
Jason: $23
Actual: $30.4
Spring Breakers
HSX Bar: $3
Trevor: $2.7
Jason: $3.7
Actual: $4.9
Trevor: $15.9
Jason: $15.5
Game Totals
Trevor: $181.8
Jason: $192.9
Weekend #13 Mar 29-31, 2013
G.I. Joe Retaliation
HSX Bar: $50
Trevor: $48
Jason: $42
Actual: $40.5
The Host
HSX Bar: $20
Trevor: $18
Jason: $19
Actual: $10.6
Tyler Perry’s Temptation
HSX Bar: $15
Trevor: $16
Jason: $21
Actual: $21.6
Trevor: $20.5
Jason: $10.5
Game Totals
Trevor: $202.3
Jason: $203.4
Hi guys!!
It feels like it’s been forever since we’ve had an ‘event film’. By no means do I think Jack the Giant Slayer is an ‘event’, but compared to the rest of the shit that’s been released this year it is at the very least the best of the rest. The marketing for the film has tried to make it a family movie, but from what I saw at a sneak preview the other night (I slept through just about the entire movie thanks to some pain medication and the theater temperature being in the upper 80s) the movie is more violent than you are led to believe. I think there’ll be a decent turnout for the weekend, but word of mouth won’t be good and it’ll have a healthy drop come next weekend. $24M
I was lucky enough to see 21 and Over 2 weeks ago and although I can’t say that the movie is really good, it was pretty damn funny. You can definitely see the comparisons between Project X and The Hangover. I don’t think it’s going to get the same opening that Project X did, but I think it gets very close and wouldn’t be surprised if it surpassed it. $19.5M
The Last Exorcism Part 2 does absolutely nothing whatsoever for me. I realize that that first film made $41M, but that was over 2.5 years ago and was a found footage film. I think The Last Exorcism Part 2 plays more like Book of Shadows: Blair Witch 2 and ends up opening smaller than that terrible sequel did. $10.5M
Finally, we’ve got Phantom…..what the hell is this doing playing in 2000+ theaters!? I realize that most of the Oscar nominated films will be playing to smaller audiences, but c’mon now. This movie is barely going to make a blip on the radar. $2.1M if it’s lucky.
Hi guys!
I like the new color scheme.
I’ve got fingers, toes and eyes crossed hoping that this is the last weekend we’re going to get underwhelming releases. While I can’t say that I’m overwhelmed by Oz, I think it’s going to at the very least look incredible.
As for this weekend…I’m a big fan of ‘The Rock’, and his charisma shines through in practically every role he plays…but Snitch looks boring as hell. I think WWE fanboys and fangirls (that just want to look at him) will come out, but nothing worth writing home about. $12M
Dark Skies peaks my interest, but I think it’s only because I’m expecting a colossal clusterf#!%! and I think practically everyone else is thinking the same thing. The only difference is, they’ll stay home while I’ll probably see the movie on Friday. $8M
Hi guys!
It’s been a busy week, but thankfully I was able to catch a few movies. I’m going to keep this one short and sweet.
A Good Day to Die Hard – A shit ton of action, Bruce kicks some ass…but it’s just not the same old Die Hard $47M
Safe Haven – Another Nicholas Sparks movie where more bastards are going to be dragged there by their girlfriends or wives. $22M
Escape From Planet Earth – I’m trying to figure out why this was even made? $15M
Beautiful Creatures – It’s unfortunate that we’re going to get an endless number of these wannabe Twilight films, and even worse that they look even more terrible than the Twilight films ever did. $13M
Hi guys!!
We’ve got an interesting weekend ahead of us. I think both films have potential to be hits in their own right, but I definitely think Identity Thief has the most working in its favor. Melissa McCarthy is starting to make a name for herself in feature films, and Jason Bateman is always funny so I’d expect more of the same from him. Audiences love a good comedy and as someone who isn’t all that fond of comedies I think this actually looks somewhat appealing. I expect a really nice turnout. $27M
Side Effects has that typical artsy feel that most Soderbergh films have; surprisingly I’ve enjoyed most of them. Unfortunately for Soderbergh, while I may like most of his artsy movies, they don’t tend to draw much of an audience. I think Side Effects has potential, but just don’t think it’s going to realize that potential. Even with the impressive cast, I just don’t think it’s intriguing enough to draw a crowd. $11M
Hi guys!
Although I think Warm Bodies has a decent weekend, I’m not blown away by what I’ve seen in the trailers. In all fairness, I do think it’s an interesting take on the zombie craze. The ‘love story’ and PG-13 rating will draw in the younger audience, which almost always bodes well for a film made in that familiar Twilight style. $19M
I wish I could say that I think Bullet to the Head had the look and feel of the next big action movie, much the same way I felt about Ahnuld's The Last Stand. Sadly though, I think it’s the next in line of our old time action heroes proving that they are closer to collecting social security than they are to reigniting their careers. $8.5M
The only film that I know I’ll be seeing this weekend is Stand Up Guys, although I have to admit I want to make Bullet to the Head and The Last Stand a double feature. Anyway, as much as I think Pacino just plays a different version of Big Boy Caprice in just about every movie he’s done since Dick Tracy, I still love the man…and what’s not to love about Christopher Walken? Alan Arkin may not have the same storied careers that Pacino and Walken have had, but he’s nothing to shake your cane at. $2.2M
Hi guys!
Paramount had the right idea when the decided to keep Hansel and Gretal: Witch Hunters on the shelf since March 2012. The only bad decision they made in the process was deciding to release the film at all. This movie has disaster written all over it and has looked that bad in its trailers. $15M
I admit to being a fan of Jason Statham films. While his movies have been more enjoyable for their entertainment value as opposed to their film making, none have performed all that well at the box office. I think it’s safe to say that Parker follows the same pattern, although you gotta admit that Jennifer Lopez looks DAMN fine in her strip down scene. $8M
What is Movie 43 and why does shit like this get made!?!? Even worse, what do people find interesting about this garbage and feel studios deserve to get their hard earned dollars!? I think it performs better than it should, and ends up with no better than a ‘C’ Cinemascore. $6.5M
I though Movie 43 looked fairly funny in the previews, but I’m not sure how that pans out in the feature length movie. Parker looks bad, most times when movies are named after the main character they’re not very good. Why should I give a crap about this Parker guy anyhow? I think Hansel and Gretel could take #1 this weekend. But with this lineup who’s going to the movies this weekend at all?
Movie 43 reminds me of one of my cult favorites and upcoming As You Watch feature film discussion Amazon Women on the Moon. The difference though is Amazon Women had a story that ran throughout the mini-comedies, whereas Movie 43 supposedly is just a bunch of comedy bits.
You should care about Parker because he makes J-Lo strip down….and damn does she look good. Sorry, it’s the only thing about the trailers that interests me. :grin:
I have Hansel and Gretal in 2nd for the weekend, but only by $100K. So I think there’s a chance it could win the weekend as well.
The people that want to see the Oscar contenders are the ones going to the movies this weekend.
I’m amazed at how well the Oscar contenders are holding. And you’re right, Movie 43 kind of has that same feeling as Amazon Women on the Moon.
Hi guys!!
Sorry so late with the predictions. I only did the 3 day weekend, but here goes:
The Last Stand – Arnold’s drawing power has come and gone. I think the only people going to see this are the longtime fans hoping for one last hurrah from the former Governor. $15M
Broken City – The trailers for this have been so terribly underwhelming, but Wahlberg is still a box office draw and the movie has been heavily promoted. I think based on what Contraband did we can expect a decent turnout; although nothing spectacular. $17M
Mama – Guillermo del Toro and Jessica Chastain are both names that draw an audience. The PG-13 rating is going to bring in the younger crowd, meaning we can expect to see this do extremely well. Think The Devil Inside all over again…only this time, hopefully the movie doesn’t suck ass. $21M
Hey guys found y all by accident cool site.
Can anyone join the predictions ?
I’d like to be considered to partake in the game.
James, join in! Just leave you predictions in the comments section sometime before each Friday and keep a running tally as we do. Person with the lowest overall total at years end is the champ! Good Luck.
Sup guys!!
I guess we’ll start seeing all the Best Picture nominees currently playing pick up a boost over the next few weeks. Having seen Zero Dark Thirty, I think people are going to want to see this movie. The first 90 minutes is good, the last 60 minutes are incredible. I think this wins the weekend, and is the next Oscar hopeful to strike it big with audiences. $27M
I’ve been hearing a lot of people say that they are looking forward to see Gangster Squad, and I count myself among them. The cast is impressive, it looks like there’s a decent story and from what we’ve seen in the trailers there’s plenty of action. I think Gangster Squad has hit written all over it. $23M
I’m not sure how big a draw A Haunted House ends up being. The Wayans built Scary Movie into a franchise, but I’m not feeling the same buzz that came with those movies. Of course, based on what Texas Chainsaw (3D) did that means this is going to be a hit. I’m going to stick to the middle ground, but I won’t be surprised if this ends up winning the weekend. $15M
Hi guys!!!
I’m looking forward to another year of box office predictions with you both. I ended up off by $893M, and hope to stay within $850M this year.
So for this weekend, I’m not sold on Texas Chainsaw (3D) performing all that well, especially considering the number of ‘quality’ films that are playing in theaters right now. I definitely don’t expect Texas Chainsaw do come anywhere close to the opening The Devil Inside had in 2012. I get the feeling it ends up somewhere closer to the $10M that Season of the Witch opened with during the first weekend of 2011. You guys both seem to be much more optimistic than I am at this point, because I’m going much lower….$9M
I know you guys didn’t do predictions for it, but I’ve also got The Promised Land opening to about $5M.
Joe, You beat us for the year in the game. Congrats! As for Texas looks like we all underestimated the power of the January Horror flick, it gets me every year.
Thanks Jason, but in all fairness I get to pick whatever number I want and you guys pick against one another.
As for Texas Chainsaw (3D), I just don’t understand how people can continuously pay money to see this garbage.