Where to watch Arena
3 Stars
Samuel L. Jackson is the biggest name in the cast and he plays his role of ‘Controller’ in a larger than life theatrical performance. Nobody is going to accuse Jackson of underplaying his part here, but hey I’m not complaining. Jackson’s manic sense of mischief is well used (unlike the mess that was The Spirit). As for Luntz, the jury is still out, he resembles a bulked up version of Ryan Phillipe. He was obviously cast for his physique because his character appears shirtless for nearly the entire running time. The few moments that require him to ‘act’ aren’t enough to congratulate or condemn the kid.
Director Johan Loop pushes the violence, gratuitous gore and frontal nudity to the limits of the MPAA ratings. This production looks expensive enough to have played theatrically abroad, but here in the states it has to settle for a straight-to-DVD release. That may mislead potential viewers into thinking that Arena is another bottom of the barrel fight flick, in reality it’s one of the most entertaining films of its kind I’ve seen in years.
Director: Jonah Loop
Stars: Samuel L. Jackson, Kellan Lutz, Katia Winter