Often times simplicity is best, and here the overlay of Roxy Gunn singing and playing on top of desert shots and driving are ramped up by Gutierrez’s perfect cross cutting between the two. I also really like the little touches such as the brightness shift and unsteadiness at the end of cuts. It’s an all around good way to enter the picture, allowing Gunn’s song and desert visuals to set both the mood and scene. You can read more about the film at the official site and check out the clip below. Let us know what you think.
A soldier who has been fighting a long war is driven mad because he no longer believes in any purpose or righteous truth behind the killing. He comes home to a surreal world looking for his first and only love from his youth, believing she will rescue him from his demons. On the road to Edge City he encounters two seductive spree killers who oppose his efforts to find his love and the redemption he desperately seeks.