Where to watch Physical Evidence
1 1/2 Stars
Physical Evidence is a limp thriller with no suspense and even less attention to detail. Sure, Reynolds is accused of murder but he his still allowed to roam the streets conducting his own side-investigation while on trial. There is even a scene in which Burt beats up on a group of goons, I’m sure this falls under some court violation. All this would not be so glaring if the film hadn’t been straddled with a weak script from producer/writer Steve Ransohoff and Bill Phillips and lackluster direction from Michael Crichton (yes, that Michael Crichton).
Aiming for the box-office and critical success of films like Jagged Edge and Fatal Attraction; Physical Evidence is a forgettable tale about characters with little appeal, portrayed by leads with zero chemistry. The half-hearted romance between defendant, and lawyer is laughable, much like the line reading from Theresa Russell. A total waste of the enormous charisma of Burt Reynolds, who seems be to reading the script for the first time onscreen. Among the many commercial bombs that eventually snuck a once bright career.
Director: Michael Crichton
Stars: Burt Reynolds, Theresa Russell, Ned Beatty