Where to watch Supergirl
1/2 Star
The Girl of Steel is named Kara (Helen Slater), and she is a cousin to Superman, both hailing from the now destroyed planet Krypton. On a mission to save her dying city, Kara travels to Earth to recover a power source. Naturally the small device has fallen into the wrong hands, a clownish amateur witch named Selena (Faye Dunaway) posses the orb and its unlimited power.
So logically, Kara switches her name to Linda Lee and hides out in an all-girls academy. Turning the story into an extended episode of The Facts of Life (google it). The school’s grounds-keeper (Hart Bochner) has been put under a love-spell and now he has eyes for Kara. The lusting of an adult gardener can’t distract Supergirl from her mission, in which she will eventually battle witches, a hundred-foot monster, and a trip to the perilous phantom zone.
This is an over-long and dreadfully dull movie that rightfully died a quick death at the box office. Fault must rest with the producers for green-lighting a script that is not suited for the big-screen treatment. Writer David Ordell, who would pen the similarly awful Masters of the Universe, nearly reused his story here for a Masters 2 that would have seen He-Man at a University playing quarterback, I digress. Supergirl never gets off the ground, which is disappointing since Superman soars high.
Director: Jeannot Szwarc
Stars: Faye Dunaway, Helen Slater, Peter O’Toole,
I loved Faye Dunaway in this. She was absolutely gorgeous still
Although the plot lacks a certain depth that would give the film more transcendence, it cannot be denied that Helen Slater managed to embody a superheroine through an innocent and determined character, endowed with a natural beauty that captivates the viewer and a potential that makes her sublime.
Supergirl will always be inseparable from Helen Slater, who became a reference of beauty and youthful power, ahead of her time.