Where to watch A View to a Kill
2 Stars
After a thrilling opening sequence that features the first instance of snow-boarding in a major feature, Bond is dispatched to Paris to investigate a security breach at the headquarters of Zorin Industries. The mysterious owner of the company, Max Zorin (Christopher Walken) has hatched a plan to eliminated Silicon Valley, in order to corner the global market on microchips.
Zorin is protected by his deadly companion May Day, whose appetite for steroids and brutality are unmatched. Aided by a gorgeous city official (Tonya Roberts), Bond must off-set Zorin’s plans and save San Francisco from annihilation. This sets up a neat fight to the death on the upper spans of the Golden Gate Bridge.
The stunt work is awesome as always in the Bond pictures. A leap from the Eiffel Tower and that battle atop the bridge over the Bay Area are thrilling, but this is a tired and forced entry that feels long and by the finale the movie is gasping, much like it’s star. A great title song by Duran Duran goes a long way, one can only imagine the film’s impact had Dalton stepped in a movie sooner.
Director: John Glen
Stars: Roger Moore, Christopher Walken, Tony Roberts, Grace Jones