Cool World (1992) – Review

Where to watch Cool World

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Cool World contains many of the same elements that made Who Framed Roger Rabbit? so successful a few years before. They share a snarky attitude, a sexpot femme fatal, and the merging of live-action with animation. However, instead of being aimed at younger audiences, Cool World is made for adults. But those over the age of 13 will be hard-pressed to find anything entertaining about this non-sensical dud.

Gabriel Byrne does a better job interacting with the animated characters than his co-star, Brad Pitt, who gives an awful performance and seems adrift in his scenes. Kim Basinger voices Holli and the actress’s likeness serves as inspiration for the character design. She is an impressive achievement and the most memorable aspect of this incoherent, off-kilter, adult animated comedy

After the surreal, immature, and immensely entertaining Heavy Metal fans of Bakshi have come to expect brilliance from the supremely gifted illustrator. Cool World is by far the worst film in his eclectic filmography. For Pitt completionists only!

Director: Ralph Bakshi
Stars: Kim Basinger, Gabriel Byrne, Brad Pitt

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