Kristen Stewart / Chris Hemsworth
Snow White and the Hunstmans has racked up $154 million domestic and $389 million worldwide. Considering the film has a negative cost of $170 million to produce, that’s not a huge hit. But this is Universal, and anything that make $150 million domestic is considered ripe for a sequel and probably a franchise. Can Hemsworth carry the film without Stewart? You can probably guess what I think (yes, of course). And it seems as though Hollywood sees it the same.
Hitching their wagon to Chris Hemsworth is a smart twist by Universal. Hemsworth is a hot property at the moment and will only get hotter. People love him as Thor, he definitely helped make Snow White bearable, and in many scenes simply over-shadowed Stewart. Just look at his upcoming slate, Red Dawn this November, Rush (with possible Oscar nods on this flick) in late 2013 followed by Thor 2 and then he’s rumored to be in Spielberg’s next popcorn flick Robopocalypse in 2014. Taking over the Snow White franchise will only make his star shine brighter, or at least it will look brighter.
Somewhere Robert Pattinson is smiling. What do you think about this new direction?