Where to watch The Christmas Consultant
2 1/2 Stars
This is a Lifetime movie, so you should know what you’re getting into here. This is made for TV quality, not bad not great. It is however easy to watch, especially if you’re visiting with family, this plays well in the background. The story is incredibly simple and the lessons are obvious before they’re even presented. Slow down and enjoy life, it’s a very common Christmas movie theme, and easy to build a basic story around.
The thing that makes this movie watchable is the acting. Specifically I’m talking about David Hasselhoff’s portrayal of The Christmas Consultant. His zany performance is fun and his crazy smile seems genuine. Maybe it’s because Hasselhoff is kind of an ‘off’ guy to begin with, but it does feel like he’s channelling his inner Nicolas Cage.
Artistically there’s no reason to catch The Christmas Consultant, but with a few laughs and extreme family friendliness it does have a place amongst certain company.
Director: John Bradshaw
Stars: David Hasselhoff, Caroline Rhea, Barclay Hope, Jessica McLeod