Raiders of the Sun (1992) – Review

Where to watch Raiders of the Sun

[star rating=1.5]

Raiders of the Sun is another post-apocalyptic, ultra-low budget, B-movie shot on the cheap in a quarry somewhere within the Phillippines. Director Cirio H. Santiago presents another overly familiar rip-off of not only Mad Max but also at least 3 other of Santiago’s own films. The predictable story, barren setting, and threadbare production design result in a boring and repetitive pattern of scenes that show various extras shooting at targets off-screen. However, the film’s biggest sin is in wasting the considerable martial arts skill and charm of lead star Richard Norton.

A rebellion is threatening the rule of the established order in a nuclear wasteland where gunpowder is the most valuable asset. The rebels have kidnapped a woman sworn to be married to the leader of the Kingdom. So the good guys employee Norton and the jilted groom-to-be for a rescue mission that will reuite the young lovers.

This is one of the least interesting of the wasteland warrior type of movies that came out of the Far East during the 1980s’ and 90s’. Norton is sidelined in a supporting role even though he is the biggest star in the cast. The story isn’t compelling, the characters are laughable caricatures, and the action is dull and redundant. Raiders of the Sun belongs on the low rung of Santiago’s prolific filmography.

Director Cirio H. Santiago
Stars:Richard Norton, William Steis, Henry Strzalkowski

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